Saturday, April 24, 2010

Static trouble

So here's my crystal skull... I'm trying to access its hard drive but I'm getting nothing but static so far. Presumably, once my my mind is sufficiently expanded I'll be allowed access to its rock capabilities, then I'll have my song. I hope that's how it works anyway. Ommmmmm Hmmmmmmmmmmmm.

1 comment:

  1. The mists are starting to clear. I've done too much reading on crystal skulls - some interesting arguments/accounts/mysticism that don't really stand up too well to scrutiny if you put them all together in my skeptical opinion; either that or we're a doomed genetically spliced half-witted inter-alien species. Not sure how it's all going to translate to lyrics yet but vocal style is definitely going to be heavily influenced by The Carrie Nations WAAAAOOOOHAAAHH! YEAH!
